July 3, 2009


(This is actually from July 5...I don't know how the dates got all mixed up)

I don't know why this happened or from where the new obsession came, but I am now obsessed with nail polish. I know that's probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen myself type, but it's true. I've spent hours browsing nail blogs--who even knew they existed?

Oh and I also have the flu. I don't think it's of the swine variety because it's day three today and I feel better than the two previous days. I actually spent 4 hours waiting in the emergency room last night just to be sure. I'm not entirely convinced that emergency room doctors know what the heck they're talking about but until I can see my regular doctor, I'll have to take her word for it.

So from now until Friday, I'm actually stuck at home and mostly in my bedroom--doctor's orders. It's been kind of crappy. I get stir-crazy VERY easily so this isn't the best situation to be in right now. I've entirely watched season one of True Blood on DVD and have spent the rest of my time browsing these nail blogs I've mentioned already. One of the best ones out there is here but I also really like this one who creates her own nail polish by mixing various other nail polishes, glitters, etc called frankens. Yes, you heard me, frankens. Did you even know that custom nail polishes even had a term? Well they do. Aaaaand, just now, I made my first franken:
It's a mix of OPI's It's All Greek To Me, Essie's Cute As A Button, Nicole's Imagine If... (wicked silver glitter, kind of holographic) and Essie's Funky Limelight with a bit of top coat to thin everything out. It started drying super fast because Essie's Funky Limelight is actually a neon shade that dries to a matte finish and dries SUPER quick. I should have added more drops of top coat but this being my first time, I think it was pretty successful.

I currently have the custom colour on my toes but because I a) hate feet and b) have Funky Limelight remnants (do not do neon without a base coat), you'll just have to enjoy the photo above. I think that next time I'll add a ton more of the Nicole Imagine If... It serious is an amazing silver glitter. I'm actually contemplating going out and buying another bottle.

Another franken I made today involved OPI's Purple with a Purpose (awesome purple!), Nicole's Imagine If... and some Prorance #41, which is basically glitter with star shapes in a blue base. Here's the result:
Here's what my fingertips look like right now:The magenta/fuschia glitter is from a gel refill I did almost a month ago. It's been so long since I've gone and I desperately need a refill but I was supposed to get one on day two of the flu. So now I have to wait until 5 days and I think I'm going to barf because my nails are so long. I hate them. I'm normally a short-nail kind of gal and these are driving me nuts. Anyway, my ring finger is the original franken with 2 coats of Nicole's Imagine If with a star-shaped glitter from Prorance #41. The pinkie is just the franken with a star-shaped glitter and some of the Prorance blue base to set it. I like the pinkie a lot...I just wish the blue weren't so apparent.

Here's a close-up of my pinkie. You can't see the blue so

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