September 9, 2009


With food, that is. What started out as an apple slaw (which was a major food failure, but more on that later), became a lunch of green.

Peas + ricotta + dumpling wrappers = Mushy pea ravioli
Two eggs + celery + green food colouring = Green scrambled eggs!
One green apple + 3/4 of a cabbage + honey/mayo/vinegar dressing = Apple Slaw
Awesome, isn't it?

And if that wasn't enough, here's my green juice for tomorrow:Green apples, cucumber, celery, parsley, spinach, lime and ginger. I added some mint leaves and am going to leave them in overnight. They were not put through the Breville.

And since maybe variety is the spice of life, I'm bringing along some grape sorbet, garnished with some green mint leaves:It's my last day of work tomorrow before I get two days off and possibly even a third for a long weekend and I cannot wait!

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