June 14, 2009


Whoa, I cannot believe the first post of the month is occuring almost two weeks in. Clearly I've been busy. Or distracting. It's probably a combination of both.

Here's some bentos from the past two weeks. There aren't as many photos as usual because I've been hungrier than usual and would have rather eaten than photographed.

This lunch was courtesy of the George Foreman grill. There's grilled zucchini, a portabello mushroom and an organic beef burger from The Healthy Butcher. Beside that is asparagus and melon salad. Goddamn these vertical photos. Blogger, why can't I rotate my own photos?!
This bowl of deliciousness contains leftover spicy pork bone soup with some Catelli Smart macaroni. Seriously the best bowl of food this year. Well okay, maybe not the absolute best but pretty high up there.

Please excuse the following crappy photo. I don't know what the heck was happening with the focus. This comes from The Eat Clean Diet book. I picked it up recently while purchasing Martha Stewart's Cupcakes and I'm glad I did. It has a bunch of great recipes that I will be cooking up in the near future. The following is supposed to be the turkey egg white scramble but I didn't have any turkey on hand so I substituted with some pancetta that I really have to finish up. Along with that are egg whites, zucchini, cucumber, orange and yellow pepper and that's all I can remember. Fruits include strawberries and grapes.

The following is a case of food that tastes better than it looks. It's a container filled with leftovers of rice, steamed free-range chicken and some kind of veg that I can't remember. Fruits include grapes and golden kiwi.
That's all!

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